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Postural therapy is a uniquely effective program designed to treat the musculoskeletal pain without drugs, surgery or manipulation. This process strengthens specific muscles and brings the body back to its proper alignment and functioning the way it was designed --- pain free.

What is Egoscue Postural Therapy?

            GOOD POSTURE

Good posture is essential for good health. Postural therapy uses highly effective exercises that stretch, strengthen, and relax the body, allowing it to return to proper alignment.  It is an approach to body alignment that is based on fundamental anatomical, physiological and bio-mechanical principles.   



Therapeutic exercises utilize the muscles of our body through a series of individually designed repositioning, strengthening, stretching or functional exercises to treat anatomical dysfunction.  Each exercise makes specific demands on the body.  The exercises are designed to facilitate normal muscle function and interaction.  Muscles that are functioning properly provide the body with the ability to move correctly with efficiency.


For Athletes, postural therapy is an essential component to recovery and efficiency which provides the necessary foundation for long term gains in strength, power, speed, and agility.

Golfers in particular see increases in range of motion in the spine, build core strength, enhance performance, and reduce risk of injury by increasing flexibility.

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